Pine Trees - Good or Bad? You decide.



   They may look beautiful, but what I bet you didn't know was how bad they are for your roof and gutters. Pine trees are truly a gift to nature with a list of benefits, just to list a few: 

1. The Pines from the Pine Trees protect your soil from erosion.

2. Pine needles add a fresh pine scent, so you will have that fresh piney smell all around your home. Also, if you are a bit on the crafty side you can use these pines as air fresheners for the inside of your home too.

3. Pine needles and the bark from the Pine Trees make great fire starters and fire wood for the colder seasons.

4. Pine oil from the Pine Tree can be used to make disinfectant spray. 

5. Pine needles are natures mulch so are very good for your yard.

6. Aesthetically pleasing. 

   So as you can see Pine Trees aren't all bad, however, with the advantages there are also disadvantages that you should truly consider before getting Pine Trees put around your home or for those that already have pine trees around your home here are a few reasons why maintaining your pine trees and their pine needles is important:

1. Shedding - Pine Trees drop typically their needles from late summer through fall, dependent upon the climate of course as we always have changes so sometimes they can drop their needles for longer or at different times than usual. However, they typically drop their needles from late summer through fall. The pine needles will usually begin falling in noticeable amounts in September and slowing to a halt around November December.

2. Pine Needles Retain Water - When layers of pine needles have accumulated on the roof, moisture becomes trapped. This creates a favorable environment for mold, mildew and algae to grow. Not only can this pose a health hazard to you and your family, but it can and will also compromise the structural integrity of your roof over time. If not maintained it may even start to rot your roof causing the need for a costly roof replacement.

3. Pine needle Mats - Pine needles clumping together turn into "mats" that become thick and strung together. These mats can easily make their way to the valleys of your roof and accumulate quick. When this happen they become hard to dislodge and may cause damage to the shingles underneath if not removed. (See number 2 and 4 for potential damage this may cause)

4. Roof Leaks - More than 80% of homes in the US are asphalt shingle roof. That being said, pine needles are prone to blowing into the edges. Needles may be forced by wind, extreme weather or pine needle accumulation into the gaps and crevices of your roof. Which may eventually pave the way for leaks and more costly damage to your roof.

5. Gutter Clogging - Pine needles will accumulate and clump together in your gutters causing a thick matting to occur, this if not maintained, will start to cause clogs in your gutters preventing water to freely flow through. Once this starts to happen your gutters will start to over flow and cause other more costly damages to your home. When an over accumulation of pine needles in your gutters does occur or you do start to get clogs in your gutters and over flowing water an extensive clean up is in order to prevent further damages. So when asked when the best time for gutter cleaning is, when you have pine trees, all year long. Especially when they are shedding, as we know they can shed a lot, we understand they may fill right back up again. However, at least you're not giving it that real chance to accumulate and cause bigger issues. You may even want to consider having you gutter cleaners out at least a couple times during the heavier shedding seasons to help prevent pine needle matting on the roof and in the gutters.

6. Why are my allergies worse than they've ever been before - In the warmer and dryer seasons pine needles can trap pollen, making the home less desirable for people with allergy issues as it will continue to cause them allergy flair ups. Another reason why the up keep and removal of the pine needles around the home is so important. You want your home to be welcoming and not miserable.

  As you can see with advantages come disadvantages, however, if you are in the Houston area fortunately you have House Spa to help you maintain all of your exterior home cleaning needs. This way you can enjoy your aesthetically pleasing Pine Trees with your fresh pine scent while we keep and maintain the look and life of your roof and gutters. 

Until next time,


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